Welcome to the Louisiana Violence Prevention Alliance

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September 30, 2006 - Unveiling of the Silent Witness for Sherika Broussard.  The event will take place at 1p.m. at the Acadiana Mall.  The Women’s Foundation, Victoria’s Secret, and The Acadiana Mall are co-sponsoring.


October 18, 2006- Take Back the Night/ Silent Witness Walk for Peace.  The event will take place at 6p.m. at the Lafayette Public Library walking to the Federal Courthouse.  Various speakers will be there.  Candles will be lit, and balloons will be let up into the air at the end of the ceremony to represent those lost to domestic violence.


Essay Contest- An essay contest will be running through October 31 for school-aged children. They will be published through the Daily Advertiser.




November 10, 2006- Beauticians Help Cut Out Domestic Violence Day- We are going to local area salons to ask them to donate 10% of their proceeds for that Friday.  We will also ask Salons to carry the Cut it Out cards in their salons so that those in abusive situations can have access to getting help.


Tentative- Late November/December, 2006- 1K and 5K Walk to End Violence/ Barbeque- (Not totally committed to this date yet- it was chosen because neither LSU or USL have an at home game day.  Neither Stephen or I have spearheaded a run so any help would be greatly appreciated)


Proposed- (Spring)  Lock Down for School Uniforms-  We ask local teachers to volunteer to be locked up for a night.  We post a bail amount for people to come donate money to get them out of jail.  We then use the money raised to buy new uniforms for underprivileged children in the area.   




Silent Witness Program-  The Silent Witness program has grown to 12 witnesses which have been placed throughout Acadiana to help bring awareness to domestic violence. 


100%  Percent Me Program-   A motivational team that is geared towards school age children teaching them the importance of including those who we might think are different, how to handle conflict without hitting, what to do if they are approached by a bully, and attitude creates altitude- the importance of not drinking and smoking.  Looking for young or young at heart volunteers who are high energy and willing to be creative (or as one other volunteer put it- act the fool.) 


Proposed Initiatives: 


Faith Based- Responding to Domestic Violence- An interfaith Guide to Prevention and Intervention.  We are looking to go to area churches to create an interfaith based task force to bring awareness to domestic violence (based on the Chicago based model).  The hope is to bring community leaders together to develop healing programs for the batterers as well as the victims.  


Court Watchers- This program decreased drunk driving by 64% and domestic abuse cases by 20% in Minnesota.  Waiting on the model to be sent to us. 






525 S. Buchanan Street, Lafayette, LA 70501
337.237.2090, fax 337.237.2083