On January 18, 2006, the LVPA hosted the inaugural meeting for the New Iberia/ St. Martin Parish
Violence Prevention Task Force at the Hadrian Building in New Iberia. This will be the area for task force meetings for the
rest of the upcoming year. The time will be from 12-1:30PM and it will be held on the third Wednesday of each month.
In attendance were:Linda Williamson, Stephen Duhon, Collette Smith, and MarieIsabelle Pautz (LVPA),
Dennis Broussard (Elderly Protective Services), Darlene French (Ib. Parish School Board), Edel Deal (Smile CCA), Kinetta Brigg
(Iberia Comp. Comm. Health Center), Janie Dugas (Ib. Medicaid), Fern Davidson (SNAP), Betty Frelow and Audrey Thibodeaux (IPSO),
Tracy LeMaire (OPH), Roger Hamilton (DA's Office), Cassandra Lang and Helen Theriot(New Start Center), Ms. Brennan (City of
New Iberia)
The following were discussed during the meeting on Wednesday, January 18th:
What "Violence" concerns do we have in our community?
Youth violence, our punishment systems are not working, a
lack of respect and a need to rebuild that respect, violence becoming a learned behavior *, a need for anger control/management, the glorification
of violence and the presence of violent role models, a
lack of loyalty, a need to learn healthy relationships, media violence
(TV, music, video games), parenting, a need to educate parents, stronger parent
accountability, existing parenting classes aren’t drawing
people in, domestic violence – violence in the home, the
deterioration of neighborhoods, weak relationships/connections, apathy –
neighbors are not responding, organization methods are not working, elder abuse (the population is increasing), drugs, and poverty.
What are we doing to combat these problems?
Neighborhood watch (existing issues with people not really committing to it and not reporting issues to law enforcement), protective
services, mandated court parenting classes (free lessons
available yet people are not attending), crime victim reparations, zero tolerance,
What do we need to accomplish our goals?
More active community members and leaders, “Neighbor
on neighbor” – communities to work together and hold each other accountable, bottom-up organizing, education, teaching parents to be accountable (i.e., how to handle children and
a job), early intervention for at-risk youths, a detailed and well
circulated catalogue of referrals and resources, inter-agency networking (United Way has something),
Neighbors on Neighbors - the revitalization of neighborhoods - community building, parents involving themselves more in their children’s lives/activities, parents knowing how to speak to their children and what exactly to say, researching successful communities (i.e., w/ working neighborhood watches); how did they organize/begin? Obtain
their models, The creation of constructive activities
for youth and neighborhoods, “Dad’s Days”
– 2 schools currently participate – are they successful?, education – parents - teachers, educating –
teens, find youth role models to use as resources, *Basketball coach at Westgate might have contacts, military personnel, Lynette Robinson,
Resolve & Solve Program (model at Anderson Middle), youth organizing, teen
summit, youth expo (annual), STAR program (Students Taking Action), teen
pregnancy, drinking, hands on activities, familiarization of local law enforcement.
At the Next meeting:
Elmire Brennan will have representatives from the Shelton Loop Association speak on the work that they are doing to
revitalize their neighborhood and how they can share their work with the Ann Street people.
2) Darlene French will research and report about the success or lack
of success of an Iberia school board program called "Resolve and Solve".
The next meeting was tentatively scheduled for February
15, 2006 from 12:00 noon to 1:30 p.m.

Regional Violence Prevention AllianceTaskforce Meeting
Iberia – St. Martin
Volunteers, Survivors of Violence,
Neighborhood Groups, Service Clubs, Non-profits, churches, and government agencies Welcomed and appreciated!!
Why you should come:
Take action!
- Build partnerships.
- Learn how to address the causes of violence.
- Create a coalition working to prevent violence.