First You Walk the Walk
There is an old saying: "You can't really understand another person's experience
until you've walked a mile in their shoes." Walk a Mile in Her ShoesŪ asks men to literally walk one mile in women's high-heeled
shoes. It's not easy walking in these shoes, but it's fun and it gets the community to talk about something that's really
difficult to talk about: gender relations and sexual violence.
You Talk the Talk
It's critical to open up
communication about sexual violence. While hidden away, it's immune too cure. Unfortunately, it's
difficult to get people talking. People unfamiliar with it often don't even want to know it exists. It's ugly. People that
have experienced it themselves want to forget about it. How do you get them talking now, so they can prevent it from happening?
And after it's happened, how do you get them to talk about it so they
can recover?
Walk a Mile in Her ShoesŪ provides several
opportunities to get people talking. For preventive education, it helps men better understand and appreciate women’s
experiences, thus changing perspectives, helping improve gender relationships and decreasing the potential for violence. For
healing, it informs the community that services are available for recovery. It demonstrates that men are willing and able
to be courageous partners with women in making the world a safer place.