MISSION STATEMENT : To reduce Violence in St. Landry and Evangeline Parishes through
collaboration efforts of government, non-profit entities, churches, consumers (adult and youth), business leaders, law enforcement,
the school system, civic organizations, legal organizations, and youth groups which involve focusing on community awareness
and education, and strategies to address indicators which contribute to violence.
The St. Landry/Evangeline Task Force met
again on August 9th at the New Life Center in Opelousas. The agenda was set to discuss many different items. The group
had decided that while participating in many different activities throughout the year, the annual project would be to create
a comprehensive community effort towards curbing domestic violence and an increased media outreach campaign for combating
violenceand providing an outlet for information on violence prevention. The networking between law enforcement, DA's, judges,
and the volunteers and agencies represented at the SLE meetings was determined to be paramount to acheive our goals. The task
force is also attempting to create a court watching program, following the guide of other existing programs. The group created
an internal board that will allow the group to become more of a sustainable, solid organization. Positions filled are Chairman
- Paula Manuel, Vice Chairman - Toni Guillory, Media Outreach - Jackie Cochran (of the Daily World), and Secreatary - Kendra
Alpough. A flyer will also be created and more phone numbers and email addresses will be gathered in an attempt to draw more
community leaders, agencies, and volunteers into the group. With a growing membership and a determined focus, this group
is set to bring serious positive action to their communities.
For more information, join :StLandryEvangelineTaskForce@yahoogroups.com
The SLE task force meets on the second Wednesday of each month from 12PM-1:30PM at the New Life
TASK FORCE MISSION : Most solutions for violent behavior have concentrated upon
the criminal justice system - building more jails, hiring more police, ect. The Louisiana Advisory Council on Disability
Prevention, realizing that violence is a major contributor to diability in LA, established the Violence Prevention Task Force
in early 1991 to supplement the criminal justice approach with a preventive effort. The Task Force is made up of representatives
of community organizations, business, tourism, education, philanthropy, medicine, psychology, law enforcement, judicial
systems, and state and local government. The Task Force concentrates on prevention by using the combined expertise of its
members to document and evaluate intervention strategies, identify resources, recommend policy and program priorities
and, if indicated, recommend legislative measures to address the problem.
"How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single minute before starting to improve the world."
Author:Anne Frank
525 S. Buchanan Street, Lafayette, LA 70501
337.237.2090, fax 337.237.2083